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آخرین ارسال های انجمن
admin بازدید : 815 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)


مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Asking for help or offering help

عباراتی برای پیشنهاد کمک به همکارانتان
"I finished my project already so I have extra bandwidth. Let me know if you need help with anything."
bandwidth : در اینجا یعنی داشتن وقت آزاد

"You're doing the analysis on ABC Company? I did that last year. If you need any help, just let me know."
"I'm pretty familiar with your project so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me."
درخواست کمک از همکاران کمی سخت تر است که می توانید از عبارات زیر استفاده کنید
"I'm having trouble implementing Plan A on ABC Company. Can you look at my work and see if I am missing a step?"
"Can you help me analyze the finance data? This is my first time and I don't want to screw it up."
"Do you have a few minutes to help me with the data migration tool? I can't figure it out

صحبت با همکاران در اداره

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Talking to Co-Workers


اگر شما جلسه یا ملاقاتی را در اداره از دست دادید می توانید از همکارانتان در مورد این که چه مسائلی در آن اتفاق افتاد سوال کنید

"I missed the meeting. Can you fill me in?"

"I had a doctor's appointment so I missed the meeting. What happened?"

"I couldn't make it to the meeting today. Anything interesting I should know about?"

"I missed the meeting. Was there anything new?"

زمان دیگری که معمولا با همکارانتان صحبت می کنید وقتی است که رئیس خود را دوست ندارید یا رفتار های نامعقول از او مشاهده کرده اید در این گونه مواقع توجه کنید که همکارتان مورد اعتماد باشد در غیر این صورت صحبت های شما را به رئیستان انتقال می دهد


"Matt looks pretty upset right now. Do you know what's going on?"

"Did something happen recently? Matt looks pissed off."

"I think Matt is mad about something. Do you know what it could be?"


هنگامی که رئیستان با شما درست برخورد نمی کند نیز می توانید از همکارانتان سوال کنید که رفتار رئیس با انها چگونه است

"Matt talks to me like he is mad all the time. Does he do that to you?"
"Does Matt talk to you like he is upset? Or is it just me?"
"It's not you at all. He talks to me that way too."


"Matt is way too moody."
"If he knew what he was doing, we wouldn't be in this mess."


"What is wrong with Matt these days?"
"He is having one of those days again. I think his manager just gave him a hard time."


"What do you think about our manager?"
"He gets too mad easily and he doesn't really help us out that much. What do you think?" 


مکالمه در مورد صحبت کردن با رئیس اداره

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

 Talking to the Boss - Interactive Practice


A: "Hi Matt, I finished the assignment on the documents. Did you get a chance to review them?"
B: "Yeah. I already reviewed them. It was pretty good."
A: "Since it was my first project, I was wondering if I can get some feedback."
B: "Well, you finished the project on time. And seeing how it was your first assignment, you did very well."
A: "Thanks. If it wasn't my first assignment, where do you think I need to improve?"
B: "That's a fair question... I think you could have spent a little more time documenting the difference between Process A and Process B. You showed a lot of the similarities, but lacking a little on the differences."
A: "I'll keep that in mind. How about the structure? I changed the template a little because I wanted to add a section for recommendation."
B: "I liked the addition. Usually people just enter it into the comment section on the bottom but having a clear section makes it stand out. That was good."
A: "Was there anything else? I like to get feedback early so I can improve."
B: "No problem. Everything else on the assignment was great. The only other tip I can give you is sending me more updates. If I knew you were stuck on section C for a while, I could have saved you a lot of time. So keep me aware on your status."
A: "That makes sense. I'll do that. Thanks for the feedback."
B: "Don't mention it. And good job on the assignment."
A: "Thanks."

A: "Hi Mark. I completed Project A and didn't have anything else to work on. Should I find something to do, or did you have something lined up?"
B: "I won't have another assignment for you until next Monday. What will you be doing until then?"
A: "I'm not sure, I was thinking about investigating the reporting issue we are having, but that's a low priority now. But if there is nothing else to do, it might be good to finally fix that."
B: "How about John. He told me that he needed a little help on Project C. Why don't you ask him if he still needs help. If not, then check out the reporting issue."
A: "John? I've been meaning to talk to you about him."
B: "What's the problem?"
A: "I don't want to be out of line, but he's very difficult to work with. He looks over my shoulder all the time and doesn't like how I am doing things."
B: "Yeah. He is like that. I appreciate your feedback, and you are not the first to bring this up. Although he is difficult, he does get a lot of work done around here."
A: "I completely agree, and I will continue to work with him as well as I can. I just thought I should let you know instead of keeping it bottled up."
B: "I appreciate your honesty. But for now, you're going to have to tolerate his methods a little longer. I'll see if the director is willing to have a talk with John about this problem."
A: "Ok. Well, I'll go see what type of help John needs. If there is nothing, I'll work on the reporting problem. Either way, I'll send you an email letting you know what I am working on."
B: "That would be perfect. Thanks."
A: "Thanks. I'll talk to you later."
B: "Ok. Bye


سوال کردن برای انجام کار های دیگر در اداره

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Asking for more work

  بعضی مواقع شما کارهای روزمره خود را انجام داده اید و کاری برای انجام دادن ندارید در نتیجه از رئیس اداره می توانید در مورد انجام کار های دیگر سوال کنید


"Hi Mark, I finished all my weekly duties already. Do you have more work I can do?"

"I've been completing my work early on a regular basis. Can I have more responsibilities?"

"I have a lot of extra time. I usually double check all my work, but that doesn't take much time. Is there any additional work I can do?"


بعضی مواقع قبل از سوال کردن از رئیستان می توانید کار دیگری برای خود پیدا کنید بعد آن را با رئیستان مطرح کنید


"I have been completing my work a day early every week. I know the reference material has been sitting there for some time. Would you like me to do that project, or did you want to assign another project to me?"



بعضی مواقع که کارها زیاد است و نیاز به کمک دارید می توانید عباراتی مانند زیر به کار ببرید


"Hi Mark, the addition we made to the project made it difficult to complete by myself. If the deadline doesn't change, I will need some help to complete it. Can you assign someone to help me out?"


"I have spent every minute on this project and have been putting in serious overtime. This project is a lot bigger than we anticipated. I am going to need some help to complete it on time. Do you have anyone available to help me?"


"The Alpha project has been eating so much of my time that I didn't have much time to work on the Beta project. Is there anyone with extra bandwidth to help me finish the Beta project


صحبت با رئیستان در مورد رئیسی دیگر

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Talking to your boss about another boss

بعضی اوقات اداره ها چندین رئیس دارند که همزمان با هم کاری را به شما واگذار می کنند در اینگونه موارد شما

می توانید به رئیس مستقیم خود مراجعه کنید و عباراتی مانند زیر را بیان نمایید

"Hey Mark. I'm doing all the projects you gave me, but John gives me additional work. I don't mind it, but lately it's been too much."


"Hey Mark. John has been assigning a lot of work to me. I have a lot of current work I am doing, so I would like to know what work has more priority."


"John wants me to do the payroll analysis. He said he needs it by end of week. But didn't you want the employee headcount finished by Friday? I can't finish both. What should I do first?"


"I'm having some problems with John lately. He is very critical and puts me down in public. I don't know what I am doing wrong so I don't know where I need to improve. What do you think I should do about this?"


"John has been very difficult to work with. He is very bossy and expects everything to be done his way. I have been tolerating it because he is a manager, but some of his methods are wasting a lot of time. I always suggest other ways, but he will not hear me out."


چاپفرستادن به ایمیل

مکالمه در مورد استعفا دادن از شغل

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Quitting or Leaving Work - Interactive Practice


A: "Hi Mark, I have something important to tell you."
B: "Come on in. What's on your mind?"
A: "Well, I have decided to leave the company. I had a wonderful time here, but it is time to move on for me."
B: "May I ask why?"
A: "I got an offer from ABC Company. It's a management position and I really don't want to let this opportunity pass me by. You know I have been looking for a management position here, but all the positions here are full."
B: "I understand your decision and you have my support."
A: "Thanks for understanding. I can work here two more weeks."
B: "Ok. Will you be able to finish your current assignment?"
A: "Yes I will. And if you hire someone within two weeks, I would be happy to provide training on my areas."
B: "That would be great. We're going to miss you here."
A: "I'm going to miss this place too. Thanks."

A: "Hi Mary, I interviewed with another company and they offered me a position. I wanted to let you know before I made my decision."
B: "I'm sorry to hear that. But I appreciate you telling me before you accepted the offer."
A: "I really enjoy my work here, but I was concerned about the lack of opportunities. I put in effort to gain more experience here, but the projects are limited."
B: "What would help you to decide to stay?"
A: "I would consider staying more if I could change my position. I would love working in this same group, but I would like to be doing something different. And finally, they offered me 6 percent more than my current salary."
B: "When do you have to make a decision by?"
A: "They want me to respond in a week."
B: "Let me see what I can do and I'll let you know tomorrow or on Wednesday. Can you wait until then?"
A: "That's not a problem."
B: "Great. I'm going to do everything I can to keep you on board."
A: "I appreciate what you are doing for me."
B: "It's the least I can do. You're a valuable asset here."


صحبت در مورد استعفا ازشغل یا مرخصی گرفتن

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Quitting or Leaving Work


وقتی پیشنهاد جدید کاری برایتان پیش بیاید باید از شغل قبلی خود استعفا کنیدنمونه ای از جملاتی که می توانید استفاده کنید


"Hi Mark, I have a wonderful opportunity to work at a different company. I enjoyed my time here, but I shouldn't pass this up. I am putting in my two week notice."


"Hi Mark, unfortunately I have to tell you that I am leaving the company. I really enjoyed my time here and I appreciated all your help on my tasks. I have to put in my two week notice."


"Hi Mark, I received an offer from a different company. This is a great opportunity for me so I accepted the offer. My decision on leaving is not because I didn't like my duties here. I really enjoyed my experience. But I am at a point where I want to find other challenges. I hope you can understand."


بعضی وقت ها برای بودن در کنار خانواده احتیاج به مرخصی دارید اگر کارمند خوبی باشید مدت قابل توجه ای می توانید به مرخصی بروید


"Mark, I have decided to leave the company. I have worked here for 10 years and I really enjoyed it. But I want to take a break and spend more time with my family. So I am putting in my two week notice."


"Hi Mark, I have come to a decision to leave the company. I am going to travel for a year and this is the best time period for me to do so. I always wanted to travel for an extended time period, and this is the only time I can do it. I can work for another month, so hopefully that should give you some time to find a replacement. And if you want, I can train the new employee on my areas."


به توافق رسیدن قبل از استعفا از کار از مواردی است که مانع از استفعا می شود


"Hi Mark, I am at a crossroad in my career. I have recently interviewed with a different company and they extended an offer to me. I haven't decided yet, but I wanted to tell you before coming to a decision."


در این لحظه ممکن است از شما بخواهند که بمانید پس شما می توانید سوالات خود را مطرح کنید


"If I didn't like this company, it would be an easy decision, but I really like it here. However, I have been asking to take on Program Management responsibilities here. Also, they are offering me a 6 percent higher salary than my current pay. Can anything be done about these two things?


"Hi Mark, I have been thinking about moving back to my home town. I have a job lined up, but I haven't decided yet. I wanted to let you know before I make my final decision."


عبارات عمومی گه هنگام استعفا دادن می توانید به همکارانتان بگویید 


"Next Friday is my last day."
"I already put in my two week notice."
"I'm leaving the company."


"I accepted a job offer from ABC Company. This Friday will be my last day here."


"I'm leaving this dump."
"I would've left a lot sooner but I had to get a job lined up first."
"I got screwed here so many times. I don't want to work here anymore. My last day is this Friday."


"It was great working with you. I wish you the best on this project."
"I had a wonderful time here. I wish the best for you."
"I really enjoyed working with you. I'll send you my personal email so keep in touch."


وقتی همکارتان درحال ترک اداره است می توانید از چنین عباراتی استفاده کنید


"I hope you enjoy your new job. Let me know if they have any another opening."
"Good luck in your new job. We'll keep your seat warm for you in case you want to return."
"Hey Jack, good luck with your new job and save me a seat."
"We'll miss you here. Good luck with your new career." 


مکالمه در مورد دیر رسیدن به سر کار

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Late  – Interactive Practice

A: “Jack. Can I see you in my office?”
B: “Sure.”
A: “You have been late 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Is this going to be a continual problem?”
B: “I’m so sorry. I really got unlucky this morning.”
A: “Being late once in a while is based on luck. If you are late frequently, it shows that you are irresponsible. How are you going to fix it?”
B: “Last week, I had a lot of personal problems. I took care of all those problems and I don’t have any excuse to be late anymore. I planned on coming in to the office early today, but there was an accident that held up traffic.”
A: “You better start anticipating all problems because I’m not going to tolerate your tardiness any longer. Is that clear?”
B: “Perfectly clear. I will not be late again.”
A: “That’s all.”


A: “Hey Martha, is there anything urgent that needs to be done today?”
B: “No. I don’t believe so. Why?”
A: “I have a terrible headache and I was wondering if it would be ok if I could leave a little early today.”
B: “I don’t see why not. You can make up the time later in the week.”
A: “That’s what I was thinking too. But as for today, I don’t think I can be productive.”
B: “It’s already two o’clock now. What time were you going to leave?”
A: “I’m just going to wrap up and leave pretty soon. Probably in about thirty minutes.”
B: “Ok. Get some rest. If you are sick tomorrow, give me a call.”
A: “Aright. Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

A: “Hi Martha. This is Jack. I think I caught a flu or something. I feel worse than yesterday.”
B: “You better stay home today then.”
A: “I think that will be best. I’ll log my sick day tomorrow when I get in.”
B: “No problem. Just get some rest. We have everything covered here so don’t worry.”
A: “Ok. Just in case something happens, you can call me at home. I’ll be here all day.”
B: “Ok. Thanks for calling. I’ll see you when you get better.”
A: “Aright. Thanks. Bye


مرخصی گرفتن

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Taking a planned day off

"Can I use a vacation day this Friday?"
"Will it be ok if I use a personal day this Thursday?"
"I have to catch up on a lot of errands, so can I use a vacation day on Monday?"
"My parents are coming into town. Can I take Thursday and Friday off?"


"I would like to use my vacation days for the first week of June. Will that be ok?"

"Will it be ok if I take the last week of July off?"
"Can I schedule a vacation for the second week of August?"
"I was wondering if I can take a vacation. Can I take the first two weeks off in September?"


چاپفرستادن به ایمیل

غیبت در سر کار به علت بیماری

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Sick day

"Martha? This is Jack. I have a fever and I will not be able to come in today."
"Hi Mary, I have to use a sick day today. I’m feeling terrible right now."
"Hi Steve, this is Mark. I wanted to let you know that I am too sick to come in today."
"Hi Andrew, this is Josh. I’m pretty sick so I will not be able to make it in today. I was feeling sick last night and thought I would be better after some sleep, but it just got worse."

"Hi Sam, this is Jessica. I have some urgent personal matters I have to deal with. I won’t be able to make it in."
"Mark? This is John. My dad went into the emergency room this morning. I’m not sure what the problem is, but I don’t think I can make it in today. I’ll send you an update later."
"My son all of the sudden got really sick. I have to take him to the hospital now. I doubt I can make it in today. Will that be ok?"
"Jake? Will it be ok if I take the day off? My grandmother just passed away and I don’t think I will be able to work today."


زود تر از سر کار برگشتن

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Leaving Work Early



وقتی می خواهید زود تر از زمان معمول کار را ترک کنید


"I have to leave a little early today. Is it ok if I finish my work at home?"
"I have a dentist appointment at four. I have to leave early today."
"I have a dentist appointment tomorrow at four. Is it ok if I leave early tomorrow?"
"I have to pick up my wife at the airport tomorrow. Is it ok if I leave at three


"I have a conference with my son’s teacher tomorrow at three thirty. I have to leave at three. Will that be ok?"



"I have a terrible headache. Is it ok if I leave early today?"

"I think I might be coming down with the flu. I should get some rest and try to fight this thing off early. May I leave early today?"
"I’m not feeling well. I think I should get some rest. Will it be ok if I go home early today?"


"My son got sick and I have to pick him up from school. Will that be ok?"


دیر رسیدن به سر کار

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

A Little Late, Very Late

              وقتی در اداره یا شرکت به دلایلی مانند ترافیک یا هر مسئله دیگری دیر می رسید برای معذرت خواهی

می توانید از عبارات زیر استفاده کنید

وقتی برای زمان کوتاهی (۵ دقییقه ) دیر می رسید



"Sorry I’m late. Traffic was unusually bad today."
"I apologize for being late. I had to drop off my wife at work. It took longer than I thought."
"I had a dentist appointment this morning and it was longer than I expected."
"I’m sorry for being late. I got stuck in every light this morning."


 هنگامی که دیر کرده اید و  ریئس، شما را می بیند از همچنین جملاتی استفاده می کند



"Running late this morning?"
"What held you up this morning?"
"Do you have a reason for being late?"
"Why are you late?"


اگر دیر کردن عادت هر روز شما باشد ممکن ریئستان کمی عصبانی شود


"You have been late three times in the last two weeks. Is this going to be a continual problem?"
"Your tardiness is getting out of hand. You better start managing your morning time better."
"I expect you to be at your desk at eight o’clock. Do you have a problem with this?


اگر همچنین اتفاقی افتاد بهتر است برای آرام کرد او از عباراتی مانند زیر استفاده کنید

"I am terribly sorry. It won’t happen again."
"I had a lot of recent changes at home, but it’s all taken care of. I will not be late again."
"I’m really sorry. It’s been one of those weeks. It won’t happen again."


اگر بیش از ۵ دقیقه دیر کردید


"Hi Barbara, I’m going to be 30 minutes late today. My car is having trouble this morning, so I arranged for a ride with a friend."
"Hey Jack, I’m running a little late today. I just got out of my dentist appointment and it was longer than I expected."
"Mark? This is Pat. I’m stuck in traffic. I think there is an accident that is holding up traffic. I’m going to be a little late."

وقتی از قبل برنامه ریزی و هماهنگ کرده اید در هنگام دیر کردن نگران نیستید



"I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning. Remember I told you earlier this week? I’ll come in right after my appointment."
"My daughter has been sick, so I’m going to take her to see the doctor tomorrow morning. Is it ok if I’m a little late? My appointment is at seven in the morning, so I’ll only be an hour late."
"I have to take my parents to the airport tomorrow. I shouldn’t be too late, but wanted to tell you ahead of time."


admin بازدید : 743 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (1)
مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Complaining about the company



"This is a dead end job. I don't see much of a future here."

"I hate the redundancy. It's so boring."

"Work isn't exciting for me anymore. I am doing the same thing over and over again."


"This company doesn't care about employees that much. I haven't received a fair raise in 3 years."


"I don't know if it is my manager or this company, but I'm really getting sick of my job."


"How do you tolerate all the political bull shit in this company?"

"What do you think about all the politics in this company?"

"The politics suck here. But it is the same for any large corporation. The best way to deal with it is to take advantage of the rules."



"I don't know how much longer I can take this job. I've been thinking about applying to a different company."

"Have you ever thought about leaving this company?"

"What company do you want to switch to?"


"I started applying for other jobs. There are a lot of positions open."

"I've been looking for jobs on monster.com. They have a lot of positions available."


شکایت از یک همکار به همکار دیگر در اداره

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Complaining about another co-worker to a co-worker


عبارات زیر جملاتی است که در رابطه با شکایت کردن از همکاری به همکار دیگر گفته می شود

"Have you worked with Jake yet? He can't do anything right."

"The problem with Jake is that he doesn't know that he is an idiot."

"I remember helping Jake out so much, and then he stabs my back."

"I don't think he does his own work. He goes around asking everyone to do a portion of his work and says he did it all."


"If you have to work with Jake, remember the things I told you."

"Is management blind or am I being too sensitive about this?"

"I think the manager likes him because he kisses her ass all day long


admin بازدید : 646 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)
مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Talking to CoWorkers - Interactive Practice


A: "Hey Jack. How is your day going?"
B: "Just finishing the project. Other than that, not much. How about you?"
A: "I'm just about finished for the day. I have one more task to do, but I wanted to take a break first."
B: "Did you have to work with Jake on that project?"
A: "Unfortunately, yes."
B: "Oh my gosh. I feel so sorry for you."
A: "Don't remind me. I'm just glad it's over."
B: "Yeah. I remember when I worked on the data conversion tool with him. Everything he did, I had to re-do. It would have been faster if I did it alone."
A: "That's exactly what happened to me. It took me longer because I had to re-do everything he did. That really pissed me off."
B: "Next time the manager wants me to do a project with him, I'm going to tell him that I will do it myself."
A: "That's a good idea. Hopefully, the manager will realize how useless he is."
B: "Exactly. If you're not busy, you can do my work."
A: "Ha ha. I got enough to do."
B: "Yeah. I'm just kidding."
A: "Aright dude. I better finish my work. I'll talk to you later."

A: "Hey Jordan, did you go to the team meeting this morning?"
B: "Yeah. The manager presented a new project to us that we'll have to do."
A: "Damn it. I shouldn't have missed that meeting, but I was stuck in another meeting. What else did you guys talk about?"
B: "Everything else was the same. We talked about progress of current assignments, due dates, about hiring another worker, that's all."
A: "What's the new project about?"
B: "It's hard to explain. She sent out mail to all of us. You can just review the document she sent out."
A: "Ok. I'll do that."

A: "Hey Bob, do you have a few minutes?"
B: "Sure. What's up?"
A: "I'm having problems with my computer. I don't know what's wrong with it."
B: "Let's go take a look at it. Oh. Here is the problem. You have a boot sector virus. Install the anti-virus software. That should take care of the problem."
A: "Great thanks.

A: "How is your day going?"
B: "The same as usual. How about you?"
A: "Me too. I'm getting sick of work man."
B: "I'm already past that stage. I was sick of this shit a year ago."
A: "What are you still doing here then?"
B: "It pays the bills."
A: "Why don't you find another job?"
B: "Well, I thought about it, but if I put in two more years, then I get a good pension. I can't give that up. Anyway, this job is boring, but at least it's easy."
A: "Well, you've been here for eight years. You have some things to stay for. I've only been here for two years. I can't see myself doing this for another two years. I want to gain more experience in other areas."
B: "Have you brought this up to the boss? Maybe you can go into management."
A: "They usually want a person with an MBA degree or a person willing to put in 80 hours a week."
B: "That's what it takes man. Either this or that."
A: "Yeah. I better think about what I want. Why didn't you go into management?"
B: "It would have taken too much time. I have a family that I want to spend time with, so it wasn't worth it for me. But you're single. You can put in a few good years and put yourself in a good position before thinking about settling down."
A: "You have a point. I'll see what my options are. Hopefully the manager will help me out with my career."
B: "She's pretty cool about that. Just be honest with her and she'll show you some doors."
A: "That sounds good. Thanks for the advice."
B: "No problem. Good luck


صحبت در مورد تجربه کاری

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Talking about work experience


یکی از مواردی که می توانید با همکارتان در مورد آن صحبت کنید درباره اداره ای است که قبلا در آن کار می کردید و کاری است که در آنجا انجام می دادید



"What did you do before working here?"


"I worked at ABC Company. I was a market analyst researching what the user wants in portable devices."


"I was over in the sales department on the second floor. I was in charge of overseeing the sales made by all the sales associates each month."


"I was a software engineer at Sun Microsystems. I created internal tools using Java to help automate the recruiting process

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مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

"I have to go. I have a meeting I'm late for."
"I have to go to a meeting now. I'll talk to you later."
"I forgot about my 1:00 meeting. I don't have much time for lunch."



"I'll finish the feedback form after my meeting."
"I'll be in meetings all day today."


"I have five meetings today, so I won't have time to help you with this now. Let's set up a time for tomorrow."


"The meeting went an hour over."
"The meeting was canceled."
"The meeting started 15 minutes late."
"George didn't arrive to the meeting on time."


"We finished late because John had problems with his computer during the presentation portion of the meeting."


"Are you going to the company meeting next week?"


"Can you set up a meeting for our brainstorm session?"
"My calendar looks pretty clear on Thursday. Set up a meeting for that day."



"I hate meetings. I think they are a waste of time. I'm an engineer, not a planner."
"I don't know why I have to go to those meetings. I never learn anything from them and I never say a thing."


"I can't believe our weekly meeting is at six o'clock in the morning. I hate waking up that early."


"If I skip that meeting, I wonder if anyone will notice."


"That meeting was hilarious. I can't believe the manager forgot John's name."


"I get so sleepy at meetings."
"I almost fell asleep during that meeting."


"I had a hard time keeping myself from laughing. I saw you falling asleep during the meeting."

صحبت های بعد از ملاقات یا جلسات اداری

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

After the Meeting


سوال کردن در مورد بازتاب جلسه


"What did you think about my presentation?"
"Did you think the meeting went ok?"
"Can you provide feedback on the meeting we just had?"
"Did you find the meeting useful?"
"Did the meeting help to clarify the current situation?"
"Is there any part of our discussion during the meeting that you are still unsure about?"


فراهم کردن بازتاب

بعضی مواقع جلسات مفید وجالب نیستند ولی وقتی می خواهید با دوستانتان در مورد آن صحبت کنید باید جواب های

حرفه ای بدهید


"I thought the presentation went well. You provided great information and I think everyone was impressed."
"The meeting went well. We covered a lot of information and made some important decisions."
"The whole presentation went pretty well, but next time I would recommend that you talk a little slower. When we were running out of time, you started speaking too fast and it was hard to keep up."


"Most of the time, our weekly meeting is pretty dull, but today was quite useful."


"I understand what is happening to our project now, but I'm still unclear about exactly who is affected by this change


صحبت های طی ملاقات یا جلسات اداری

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

During the Meeting




سوالاتی که در طول جلسه پرسیده می شود


 "I have a question. Why is marketing not handling the portion on end user analysis? They usually did this work in the past."

"How will the new addition to our project affect the deadline that we have?"

"Are we making sure to incorporate user feedback on the changes we are making?"


اظهار نظر هایی که در طی جلسه می توانید مطرح کنید


"I agree with Mark. The correct approach is to send out the tools to our partners before making it public to everyone."


"In my opinion, I think we should introduce our new line of printers in August. Many companies get more funding at this time, and students are school shopping. Our target market will be more responsive to our ads during this time period."



"I think we can go either way. I believe both solutions will take care of it."


سوال برای واضح شدن مطالبی که در طول جلسه مطرح می شود 


"I didn't understand why we are going to be late. I thought we had everything planned out early. What were the reasons again?"


"Can you elaborate on how this process can help the sales department?"


"Can you clarify the second step in your solution proposal? I don't understand why it is necessary


صحبت های قبل از ملاقات یا جلسات اداری

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Before the meeting


سوالاتی که قبل از قرار ملاقات مطرح می شود مانند سوالات زیر است

"Hi Jack. Do you know who is coming to your meeting at 2:00?"
"Who all did you invite to the triage meeting?"


"Hi Jack. How long do you think the meeting will be?"
"I have to schedule another appointment at 4:00 but I don't want it to overlap with yours. How long is the meeting going to be?"
"Is the meeting going to be more than an hour?"


"What time was the meeting again?"
"When are you going to make that presentation? I thought it was today?"


وقتی افراد نمی توانند در ملاقات ها حاضر باشند  از عبارات زیر استفاده می کنند


"I have another appointment that conflicts with your meeting. I will not be able to make it."

"I have another meeting that I cannot miss. I won't be able to make yours."

"I won't be able to go to the 3:00 meeting. I have another appointment at the same time."

"I can't go to the meeting at 4:00. I have a doctor's appointment. Can you take notes for me?"

"I'm going to be out of town tomorrow, so I won't be able to attend the quarterly meeting. Can you send me a mail on the topics that were discussed

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مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

Business Phone Call - Interactive Practice


A: "Hello? This is Steve."
B: "Hi Steve, this is Mary from ABC Company. I'm returning your call."
A: "Hi Mary. How are you doing?"
B: "I'm doing great thanks."
A: "Thanks for returning my call. I couldn't figure out why the ending balance on fiscal year 2003 didn't match the beginning balance on of 2004."
B: "When I checked, it was matching. How much is the difference?"
A: "The amount is exactly $42,000."
B: "Oh. I know what the problem is. We opened another bank account at the end of fiscal year 2003. I might not have included the new bank statements when I sent over the information."
A: "That makes sense. I'm just glad it wasn't out of my miscalculation. Can you send over the statements? I should be done by end of day since everything looks good."
B: "Sure. I'll fax them to you immediately. Is 555-123-4567 the number I should fax it to?"
A: "Yes. That is the correct number."
B: "I'll do it right now."
A: "Thank you for your help."
B: "I should have sent them over to you the first time. I apologize for that."
A: "No problem."
B: "Thank you."
A: "Thank you. Bye."
A: "Hello, ABC Company."
B: "Hi, this is Janet from Consult R Us. May I speak with Alex please?"
A: "He's in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?"
B: "Yes. Can you have Alex call me back when he is available? My name again is Janet, and he can reach me at 555-987-6543."
A: "It's Janet at 555-987-6543. Can I tell him what this is regarding?"
B: "He sent over a fax, and the last page didn't print out. I will need for him to resend the fax to me."
A: "I'll let him know."
B: "Thank you."
A: "Thank you for calling ABC."
B: "Good bye."
A: "Bye."
A: "Microsoft, this is Steve."
B: "Hi Steve, this is Richard from Third Hand Testing. I'm calling in regards to the MSN assignment. Do you have a minute to answer a couple of questions?"
A: "Sure. What can I help you with?"
B: "We originally agreed on 5 testing procedures, but our program manager received a mail indicating 4 testing procedures. Is 4 the correct number?"
A: "Yes it is. We found that we can do the last one here."
B: "Great. Does the timeline change because we reduced one of the testing procedures?"
A: "We don't have to change the timeline. Our original timeframe was very aggressive."
B: "That makes our job a little easier."
A: "Do you have any other questions?"
B: "No. That's all I had. Thanks for your time."
A: "No problem."
B: "Ok. Good bye."
A: "Bye

گذاشتن پیام تلفنی

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر



وقتی تماس تلفنی با شرکتی برقرار می کنید ولی کسی پاسخگوی شما نیست می توانید بر روی پیغام گیر تلفن پیام بگذارید فقط  توجه کنید که اسمتان ، نام شرکت و شماره تماس خود را بگذارید .



"Hi Mary, this is Josh from ABC Company. I have some questions regarding the financial data you sent me yesterday. Can you give me a call back when you have time? My number is 555-123-4567. Thank you."


"Hi Jack, this is Julie from Consult R Us. I am missing a couple pages on the document you sent me. Can you call me when you are free? My number again is 555-321-7654. Thank you."



اگر پیغامی مانند بالا دریافت کردید و با شماره تلفنی که داده شده تماس گرفتید ولی کسی پاسخگو  نبود می توانید مانند عبارت زیر پیغام بگذارید و بگویید پیام تلفنی را جواب دادید


 جواب پیام های بالا

"Hi Josh, this is Mary and I am returning your call. I'll be in the office for the next three hours, so feel free to call me back any time. Just in case, my number is 555-234-5678."


"Hi Julie, this is Jack. I double checked the documents I sent you and I am not sure what pages you are missing. I might not be at my desk, so feel free to call me on my cell phone. The number is 227-1000. Hope to hear from you soon so we can straighten this out."


 اگر شما برای شرکت یا اداره ای پیام گذاشتید ولی کسی به شما جواب نداد برای بار دوم مانندعبارت زیر می توانید پیام خود را بگذارید


"Hi Mary, this is Josh again from ABC Company. I'm not sure if you got my first message so I am leaving one more. I have some questions regarding the financial data you sent me several days ago. Can you call me at 555-123-4567 when you get a chance? Thank you."

اگر شرکتی که تماس گرفته اید پیغام گیر نداشت  در صورتی که شخص مورد نظر شما برای پاسخگویی به شما در شرکت نبود می توانید پیام خود را به منشی شرکت بگویید تا به فرد مورد نظر برسد


"Can you have Julie return my call? This is Jack, and my number is 555-123-4567


ارجاع دادن تماس تلفنی

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر




"I believe Joe Carry in marketing can help you with that. Do you have his contact information?"


"I'm not sure about that. I'm pretty sure Mitch Smith will be able to answer this and other questions. Let me give you his number."


 درخواست ارجاع


"Can you redirect me to that person?"
"Can I get his contact information?"
"Can I get his phone number?"
"What is the best way to contact her?"


"Can you direct me to someone who can help?"


"Hi, this is Matt from ABC Company. I have some questions on your Platinum level business package. Can you redirect me to someone who can help?" 


صحبت در مورد تماس تلفنی در اداره

مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

پاسخ دادن به تلفن شاید راحت ترین کار است


"Hello, this is Mike."
"Microsoft, this is Steve."


تماس تلفنی گرفتن با یک شخص یک مقدار پیچیده تر است. باید اسمتان، محلی که از آن جا تماس می گیرید ، کاری که به خاطر آن تماس می گیرید ، و سوالتان را بگویید

"Hi Mary, this is Michael Johnson from ABC Consulting. I am reviewing the financial data for the payroll project. I will need the 2002 fiscal report to complete this task. Do you know where I can get a copy?"




"Hi Bob. This is Steven from ABC Company. I'm calling in regards to the data entry program you created. I'm having trouble locating where the connection is made to the server. Can you help me with this?"

به طور مشابه، این تماس تلفنی با معرفی شخص آغاز می شود ، یک جمله بی تاخیر در مورد اینکه تماس مربوط به چه کاری می شود و برای چه تماس گرفتید و یک توضیح کوتاه در مورد نیازی که شخص دارد


"Hi Bob. I'm George. I'm the technical writer for this project. I had a question regarding the installation process. If you have a minute, can you show me the installation process? I'm having problems on the confirmation section."

اگر در همچین شرایطی قرار دارید ، ازهمین روند و ترتیب استفاده نمایید و آن را بر روی کاغذ بنویسید ، بنابراین به آهستگی چیزی که نیاز دارید را می توانید بگویید. بعد از اینکه با آن آشنا شدید دیگر نیازی ندارید که دیگر آن را یاد داشت نمایید و قادر می شوید که به طور روان و سلیس مکالمه تان را بیان نمایید





"Hi Debra, I'm analyzing the log files and noticed entry 14 was negative 42. Can you confirm if this is accurate?"


"I see that our April 2003 revenue was 1.2 million dollars. Can you double check that this figure is accurate?"


I am going to meet with the CFO in an hour. Can you look through this report and double check my 

" finding


اگر سوال فرد تماس گیرنده را نمی دانستید به او می گویید که بعدا تماس بگیرد یا به کسی دیگری تلفن را وصل می کنید


"I don't have the answer right off hand. I'll need to find that information for you. Will it be ok if I call you back in about 30 minutes?"


"I believe I can find that information for you. It might take 10 minutes or so. Can I call you back with the information?"


"I'm not sure about the answer. I'll find the information and call you right back. Will that be ok?"



"I'm not sure about this one. Let me ask my manager. Can you please hold?" minutes or so

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  مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر

در اداره سه نوع دفتر کار برای کارمندان وجود دارد بدین صورت که یا هر کارمند دفتر کار مجزا دارد یا در یک فضای بزرگ


میز های کارمندان را در کنار هم قرار می دهند یا اداره از اتاقک های کیوسک مانندی در کنار هم تشکیل می شود(پارتیشن بندی)


  در اداره هایی که میز های کارمندان در کنار هم است  فضای راحتی برای کار کردن وجود ندارد


عبارات عمومی در این موررد 


"It's not that bad, but there is no privacy."
"I wouldn't mind it so much if the manager couldn't see every minute of my day."
"I hate it. Even if they can't give us offices, they could at least give us cubicles."


"The reason I hate it so much is because I can't take a small break. Since the manager is always looking at everyone, even when I am not working, I have to pretend like I am."


"There are a lot of distractions. I can hear everything everyone says in the whole office."
"Mary sometimes turns on the music. It's not that bad, but sometimes I want it quiet."


"If I have a complaint about something, I can't talk to the manager because everyone will hear. I have to set up a meeting and use the conference room."




سوالات و درخواست ها




"I don't have another outlet near my desk. Can I get a power strip?"


"Can I move to a different location? The sun always glares off my monitor and I have trouble working."


"Can I sit on the other side of the room? This is too close to the door and it gets cold here."


"I get hot easily. Would it be possible if I sit next to the door? It is much cooler there."


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مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر


در بعضی از اداره ها با دیوار های قابل حملی فضا را  قسمت بندی می کنند تا اتاق هایی برای کارمندان ایجاد کنند در فارسی اصطلاحا به آن پارتیشن بندی می گویند.


"I sit in the cubicle down the hall. It's next to the conference room."
"My cubicle is directly on the other side of this wall. Come by sometime."

"The files are on my desk in my cubicle. I'll get them for you."

"I walked by your cubicle and saw a heater. Where did you get such a small one like that? I think I want one for my cubicle as well."

cube farm= فضای بزرگی که تعداد زیادی پارتیشن بندی دارد 

"How big is your cubicle?"
"My cubicle is about 5 feet by 6 feet."
"It's roughly 5 by 6."
"I'm not sure, but it fits two small desks and a drawer. I guess it's big enough for



admin بازدید : 530 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (1)



مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی مکالمات تجاری اداری بازر


Office= دفتر کار مجزا در اداره برای هر کارمند


صحبت های که کارمندان معمولا در مورد دفتر کار می گویند




"Why is Jack's office so much bigger than mine?"
"I'm next in line for a window office. How come you gave it to Paul?"


"There is an empty office across the hall. Can I have it?"


"It's great having my own office because I can surf the Internet and take a real break anytime I want."


"The privacy is probably the best thing about having my own office. I can't image


working in a cubicle again."




admin بازدید : 691 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)

آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی - مکالمات تجاری اداری بازرگانی(دارای 33 درس)


Offices and Cubicles - Interactive Practice


A: "How are things at work?"
B: "It's not too bad. But I hate our office setting."
A: "Are you in a cubicle?"
B: "No. I would be happy with a cubicle. We have 10 desks all in a large room. The supervisor is at one end with a view of everyone."
A: "That sucks. You have no privacy."
B: "I know. I can't even take a small break because everyone is watching. But that's not the worst part. I can hear everyone talking all day long and it's so distracting."
A: "I feel sorry for you."
B: "I can't even complain about something to the supervisor because everyone can hear."
A: "Why do they have the office set up like that?"
B: "I'm not sure. Maybe they want to save money, or maybe they think it's more effective."
A: "Is anybody in an office?"
B: "Only the people above the supervisor."
A: "Maybe if they got out of their office and worked in the open space they would realize how terrible it is."
B: "I guess I'll just have to tolerate it for now."


A: "Do you have cubicles in your company?"
B: "No. Everyone has their own office."
A: "You're so lucky. I'm in a cubicle."
B: "I'm so glad we have our own office. There is so much privacy and we can take breaks whenever we want."
A: "How does management know if you are working or not?"
B: "Our company doesn't really keep track of little details. Our performance is based on our assignments and projects. Management doesn't care when it's done, they just want the person to do a good job and turn it in on time."
A: "I like that method. In our company, our manager wants to know every detail almost every hour. If we are a little behind, the manager gets mad and starts worrying."
B: "I would hate that environment."
A: "I agree. It's not a good work environment. Do you ever play video games in your office?"
B: "Not when it is busy, but when we are experiencing a down time, I close the door and start a game of Star Craft. If someone comes in, I quickly switch the view on the monitor."
A: "You're so lucky."
B: "I don't take it for granted, but I wouldn't mind a window office soon."
A: "Shut up you freak

admin بازدید : 1435 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)


آیا تا بحال درباره کلمه ok تحقیق کرده اید و آیا میدانید عبارت ok از کجا وارد زبان انگلیسی شده است؟ و یا معنی ok چیست؟
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روایت اول:
از جنگ های قدیمی شرع شد:

آیا میدانستید که: در زمان جنگهای باستانی هنگامیکه سپاهیان بدون تلفات از جنگ بر میگشته اند پلاکاردی حمل میکردند که روی آن نوشته بود:

"0 Killed".
From here we get the expression "O.K." which means all is good.

)تعداد تلفات( Killed.0)ریشهOKاز این اصطلاح است.


روایت دوم:  

  از یک شوخی شروع شد:

روزنامه‌های آمریکایی در اواخر دهه ۱۸۳۰ به شکل تمسخرآمیزی کاری راشروع کرده بودند و مخفف‌های مثلا جالب را چاپ می‌کردند و یک مقاله‌نویس در روزنامه «بوستون مورنینگ پست» هم به عنوان یکی از این شوخی‌ها، مخففی ساخت به شکل«.o.k».

وی برای ساخت این مخفف، شکلی نادرست از کلمه«all correct» (تماما صحیح) را به صورت «» در نظر گرفت و دو حرف اول آن را به صورت«.o.k» مخفف کرد.


زمانی از این شوخی نگذشته بود که دشمنان اندرو جکسون، هفتمین رئیس‌جمهور ایالات متحده شایعه‌ای به‌راه انداختند که این رئیس‌جمهور، سواد درست خواندن و نوشتن ندارد و به عنوان شاهد این مدعا گفتند که وی اگر سواد داشت اجازه نمی‌داد کلمات غلطی مانند «اوکی» در رسانه‌های کشور چاپ شود.


همین، آغاز شهرت و رواج اوکی بود. چیزی نگذشت که متصدی‌های تلگراف قرار گذاشتند تا برای اعلام وضعیت رفع خطر یا همان وضعیت عادی، از O.K.استفاده کنند و پس از آن دیگر کسی نتوانست جلوی رواج روزافزون آن را بگیرد.

براي مشاهده ي متن كامل تر به ادامه ي مطلب برويد

admin بازدید : 407 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)


To your enemy, forgiveness
To an opponent, tolerance
To a friend, your heart
To yourself, respect
Happy New Year
پیشنهاد عیدی نوروز:
برای دشمن خود: بخشش
برای رقیب: تحمل
برای دوستانت: قلبت
برای خودت: احترام
سال نو مبارک

No Greeting Card To Give …
No Sweet Flowers To Send …
No Cute Graphics To Forward …
“HAPPY’New Year
هیچ کارت تبریکی بهت نمیدم
هیچ گل قشنگی نمیفرستم
هیچ نقاشی جالبی نمیفرستم
تنها چیزی که دارم قلب عاشقی است که میگوید
نوروز مبارک

new year Gift May Be Many Things
Or It May Be a Few.
For You,The Joy
Is Each New Toy;
For Me;
It’s Watching U
هدیه سال نو میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه
میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه!
برای تو هر اسباب بازی جدیدی میتونه لذت آور باشه
و برای من
دیدن تو!

Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new
Lets cherish each moment it beholds
Lets celebrate this blissful New year
بیا به سالی که جدید و تازست خوشامد بگیم
بیا تک تک لحظه هاشو گرامی بداریم
بیا این سال نوی پربرکت رو جشن بگیریم

You know God arrange for you …
۱۲ Months of Love,
52 Weeks Non Stop Fun,
& 365 days of Happiness.
So when you Mixed them all …
You will found a Very Happy Year! & I think it’s 1392 My Dear
میدونی خدا برای تو ۱۲ ماه عشق
۵۲ هفته شادی بی وقفه
۳۶۵ روز خوشبختی فراهم کرده
بنابراین وقتی همه رو باهم مخلوط میکنی
یک سال خیلی شاد خواهی داشت که فکر کنم ۱۳۹۲ باشد عزیزم

Wishing You All The Peace, Joy, And Love Of The Season !
Season’s Greetings!
Happy New Year
برای تو تمام صلح، لذت و عشق این فصل رو آرزو میکنم
تغییر فصل رو بهت تبریک میگم
سال نو مبارک

From Home to home,
and heart to heart,
from one place to another .
The warmth and joy of noroz,
brings us closer to each other .
Happy New Year
از خانه به خانه،
و قلب به قلب،
از یک مکان به مکان دیگر .
گرمی و لذت
نوروز، برای ما نزدیک به یکدیگر بودن را به ارمغان میاورد
سال نو مبارک

Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
i hope have all the three for this New Year
! Happy Norouz
ایمان باعث میشه همه چیز ممکن است،
امید باعث میشه همه چیز کارکنه،
عشق باعث میشه همه چیز زیباتر باشه،
امیدوارم هر سه رو داشته باشی برای  سال نو
نوروز مبارک

There is no ideal new year; only the one Christmas you decide to
make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions
Happy Norooz
هیچ سال نویی ایدآل نخواهد بود مگر اینکه تو تصمیم بگیری اون رو
به بازتابی از ارزش ها، خواسته ها، علاقه ها و قوانین خودت تبدیل کنی
سال نو مبارک

admin بازدید : 1313 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)









پیشنهاد میکنم حتما این فایل رو دانلود کنید.(مناسب برای دبیرستانی ها و کنکوری ها+دوست داران تافل)


براي دانلود کتاب 361 صفحه ای تست زبان انگلیسی + پاسخنامه به ادامه ي مطلب برويد.


admin بازدید : 4275 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)






براي فهميدن طریقه خواندن و نوشتن حروف انگلیسی به لينك زير برويد:


اين لينك يك فيلم آموزشي است براي كساني كه هنوز نمي توانند حروف انگليسي را بخوانند و بنويسند.

اگر در نوشتن حروف انگليسي مشكل داريد ، برروي هر يك از حرف هاي حروف انگليسي كه در پايين قرار دارد كليك كنيد تا طرز صحيح نوشتن آن براي شما نمايش داده شود:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


admin بازدید : 843 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)

Everything is okay in the end. If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end
Don’t cry over anyone who won’t cry over you
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
You can only go as far as you push.
Actions speak louder than words.
The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else.
When it hurts to look back, and you’re scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
True friendship never ends.
Good friends are like stars….You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.
Don’t frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

هرچیزی آخرش درست میشه. اگه درست نشد پس آخرش نیست
برای کسی که برات گریه نمی کنه، گریه نکن
پیدا کردن دوستان خوب سخته، ترک کردنشون سخت تره و فراموش کردنشون غیرممکنه
هر چی هل بدی همونقدر جلو می ری
کارها بلندتر از کلمات حرف می زنن
سخت ترین چیز، اینه که ببینی کسی رو که دوست داری، عاشق یکی دیگه باشه
اگه فکر می کنی که دنیا معنایی نداره، یکبار دیگه فکر کن.شاید بتونی با یکی دیگه دنیا رو معنا کنی
وقتی نگاه کردن به عقب سخته و ازنگاه کردن به جلو می ترسی، کنارتو نگاه کن و بهترین دوستت اونجا خواهد بود
دوستی واقعی هرگز انتها نداره
دوستان خوب مثل ستاره ها می مونن. همیشه اونا رو نمی بینی ولی میدونی همیشه هستن
اخم نکن.هیچ وقت نمی دونی چه کسی با لبخندت، عاشقت میشه
چه کار می کنی وقتی تنها کسی که میتونه جلوی گریه ات رو بگیره ، کسی باشه که باعث گریه ات شده
عشق با لبخندی شروعی میشه، با بوسه ای رشد می کنه و با اشکی خاتمه پیدا می کنه.


جمله ای جالب

به تعداد حروف کلمات این جمله دقت کنید که از یک حرف شروع میشوند و بعد به ترتیب بالا میروند:


I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherably, transcendentalists intercommunications incomprehensibleness.

 ترجمه جمله :
نمیدانم این دکترهای خانوادگی این دست خطهای گیج کننده را از کجا کسب میکنند. با این حال سواد پزشکی آنها غیر قابل کشف بودن این دست خط‌ ‌ها را جبران کرده و بر غیر قابل کشف بودن آنها (دستخط) برتری میجوید. 

براي مشاهده ي اس ام اس هاي بيشتر به ادامه ي مطلب برويد

admin بازدید : 761 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)


i am thankful...
i am thankful...
i can the beauty all around me

there are those whose world is always dark

خدا را سپاس
من میتونم تمام زیبایی های پیرامونم را ببینم

کسانی هستند که دنیایشان همیشه تاریک است

i am thankful...

i can walk
there are those who have never taken their first step

خدا را سپاس

من میتونم راه برم
کسانی هستند که هیچوقت نتونسته اند حتی یک قدم بردارند
admin بازدید : 876 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)


AFG Afghanistan افغانستان
ALB Albania آلبانی
DZA Algeria الجزایر
ASM American Samoa ساموآ
AND Andorra آندورا
AGO Angola آنگولا
AIA Anguilla آنگویلا
ATA Antarctica قاره ی جنوبگان
ATG Antigua & Barbuda آنتگیوا و باربوداس
ARG Argentina آرژانتین
ARM Armenia آلبانی
ABW Aruba آروبا
AUS Australia استرالیا
AUT Austria اطریش
AZE Azerbaijan آذربایجان
BHS Bahamas باهاما
BHR Bahrain بحرین
BGD Bangladesh بنگلادش
BRB Barbados باربادوس
BLR Belarus بلاروس
BEL Belgium بلژیک
BLZ Belize بلیز
BEN Benin بنین
BMU Bermuda برمودا
BTN Bhutan بوتان
BOL Bolivia بولیوی
BIH Bosnia & Herzegowina بوسنی و هرزگوین
BWA Botswana بوتسوانا
BVT Bouvet Island جزیره بووت
BRA Brazil برزیل
IOT British Indian Ocean Terr. مستملکات انگلستان در قیانوس هند
BRN Brunei Darussalam بروئنی
BGR Bulgaria بلغارستان
BFA Burkina Faso بورکینافاسو
MMR Burma (Myanmar) برمه (میانمار)
BDI Burundi بروندی
KHM Cambodia کامبوج
CMR Cameroon کامرون
CAN Canada کانادا
CPV Cape Verde کیپورد
CYM Cayman Islands شیلی
CAF Central African Rep چمهوری آفریقای مرکزی
TCD Chad چاد
CHL Chile شیلی
CHN China چین
CXR Christmas Island چزیره کریسمس
CCK Cocos (Keeling) Isles چزیره کوکو
COL Colombia کلمبیا
COM Comoros کوموروس
COG Congo کنگو
COD Congo, The Democratic Rep چمهوری دموکراسی کنگو
COK Cook Islands چزیره کوک
CRI Costa Rica کاستاریکا
HRV Croatia کرواسی
CUB Cuba کوبا
CYP Cyprus قبرس
CZE Czech Republic جمهوری چک
DNK Denmark دانمارک
DJI Djibouti جی بوتی
DMA Dominica دومینیکا
DOM Dominican Republic جمهوری دومینیکن
TMP East Timor تیمور شرقی
ECU Ecuador اکوادور
EGY Egypt مصر
SLV El Salvador ال سالوادور
GNQ Equatorial Guinea گینه استوایی
ERI Eritrea اریتره
EST Estonia استونی
ETH Ethiopia اتیوپی
FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) جزایر فالکند
FRO Faroe Islands جزایر فارو
FJI Fiji فیجی
FIN Finland فنلاند
FRA France فرانسه
FXX France, Metro فرانسه مترو
GUF French Guiana گیابای فرانسه
PYF French Polynesia پولنیزی فرانسه
ATF French Southern Terr. جنوب فرانسه
GAB Gabon گابن
GMB Gambia گامبیا
GEO Georgia جورجیا
DEU Germany آلمانی
GHA Ghana غنا
GIB Gibraltar جبل الطارق
GRC Greece یونان
GRL Greenland گرین لند
GRD Grenada گرنادا
GLP Guadeloupe گوادالوپ
GUM Guam گوام
GTM Guatemala گواتمالا
GIN Guinea گینه
GNB Guinea-Bissau گینه بیسائو
GUY Guyana گیانا
HTI Haiti هائیتی
HMD Heard And Mc Donald Isles جزایر هرد و مک دونالد
VAT Holy See (Vatican) واتیکان
HND Honduras هندوراس
HKG Hong Kong هونگ کونگ
HUN Hungary بلغارستان
ISL Iceland ایسلند
IND India هند
IDN Indonesia اندونزی
IRN Iran ایران
IRQ Iraq عراق
IRL Ireland ایرلند
ITA Italy ایتالیا
CIV Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire) ساحل عاج
JAM Jamaica جامائیکا
JPN Japan ژاپن
JOR Jordan اردن
KAZ Kazakhstan قزاقستان
KEN Kenya کنیا
KIR Kiribati کیری باتی
PRK Korea کره
KOR Korea, Republic Of جمهوری کره
KWT Kuwait کویت
KGZ Kyrgyzstan قیرقیزستان
LAO Laos لائوس
LVA Latvia لتونی
LBN Lebanon لبنان
LSO Lesotho لسوتو
LBR Liberia لیبریا
LBY Libya لیبی
LIE Liechtenstein لیختن اشتاین
LTU Lithuania لیتوانی
LUX Luxembourg لوکزامبورگ
MAC Macau ماکائو
MKD Macedonia (Republic of) جمهوری مقدونیه
MDG Madagascar ماداگاسکار
MWI Malawi مالاوی
MYS Malaysia مالزی
MDV Maldives مالدیو
MLI Mali مالی
MLT Malta مالت
MHL Marshall Islands جزایر مارشال
MTQ Martinique مارتینیک
MRT Mauritania موریتانیا
MUS Mauritius موری تیوس
MYT Mayotte ماریوت
MEX Mexico مکزیک
FSM Micronesia, Fed States دولت فدرال میکرونزی
MDA Moldova, Rep چمهوری مولداوی
MCO Monaco موناکو
MNG Mongolia مغولستان
MSR Montserrat مونتسررات
MAR Morocco مراکش (مغرب)
MOZ Mozambique موزامبیک
NAM Namibia نامیبیا
NRU Nauru نورد
NPL Nepal تپال
NLD Netherlands هلند
ANT Netherlands Antilles جزایر آنتیل
NCL New Caledonia نیو اسکاتلند
NZL New Zealand نیوزیلند
NIC Nicaragua نیکاراگوئه
NER Niger نیجر
NGA Nigeria نیجریه
NIU Niue نیو
NFK Norfolk Island جزیره نورفولک
MNP Northern Mariana Isles چزایر شمالی ماریانا
NOR Norway نروژ
OMN Oman عمان
PAK Pakistan پاکستان
PLW Palau پالو
PAN Panama پاناما
PNG Papua New Guinea پاپوا - گینه نو
PRY Paraguay پاراگوئه
PER Peru پرو
PHL Philippines فیلیپین
PCN Pitcairn پیتکایرن
POL Poland لهستان
PRT Portugal پرتغال
PRI Puerto Rico پورتوریکو
QAT Qatar قطر
REU Reunion راونیون
ROM Romania رومانی
RUS Russian Federation زوسیه
RWA Rwanda رداندا
KNA Saint Kitts & Nevis سنت کیتس و نویس
LCA Saint Lucia سنت لویسا
VCT Saint Vincent & Grenadines سنت ونسانت و گرنادین
WSM Samoa ساموآ
SMR San Marino سان ماریو
STP Sao Tome & Principe سائوتوم و پرینسیپ
SAU Saudi Arabia عربستان صعودی
SEN Senegal سنگال
SYC Seychelles سیشل
SLE Sierra Leona سیرالئون
SGP Singapore سنگاپور
SVK Slovakia (Slovak Rep) جمهوری اسلواکی
SVN Slovenia اسلودنی
SLB Solomon Islands جزایر سولومون
SOM Somalia سومالی
ZAF South Africa آفریقای جنوبی
SGS S Georgia & Sandwich Isles جزایر جورجیا و جزایر هاوائی
ESP Spain اسپانیا
LKA Sri Lanka سریلانکا
SHN St. Helena سنت هلنا
SPM St. Pierre & Miquelon سنت پیرو میکلون
SDN Sudan سودان
SUR Suriname سورینام
SJM Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands چزایر سوالبارد و یان ماین
SWZ Swaziland سوازیلند
SWE Sweden سوئد
CHE Switzerland سوئیس
SYR Syria سوریه
TWN Taiwan تایوان
TJK Tajikistan تاجیکستان
TZA Tanzania تانزانیا
THA Thailand تایلند
TGO Togo توگو
TKL Tokelau توکلو
TON Tonga تونگا
TTO Trinidad & Tobago ترینیداد توباگو
TUN Tunisia تونس
TUR Turkey ترکیه
TKM Turkmenistan ترکمنستان
TCA Turks & Caicos Islands جزایر تورکس و کایکوس
TUV Tuvalu تووالیو
UGA Uganda اوگاندا
UKR Ukraine اوکراین
ARE United Arab Emirates امارات متحده عربی
GBR United Kingdom انگلستان
USA United States آمریکا
URY Uruguay اروگوئه
UZB Uzbekistan ازبکستان
VUT Vanuatu وانواتو
VEN Venezuela ونزوئلا
VNM Viet Nam ویتنام
VGB Virgin Isles (British) جزایر ویرجین (انگلستان)
VIR Virgin Isles (U.S.) جزایر ویرجین (آمریکا)
WLF Wallis & Futuna Islands جزایر والیس و فورتونا
ESH Western Sahara صحرای عربی
YEM Yemen یمن
YUG Yugoslavia یوگوسلاوی
ZMB Zambia زامبیا
ZWE Zimbabwe زیمباوه



admin بازدید : 585 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)




ِdvd : Dissociated vertical deviation.

CD : Compact Disc.

VCD : View CD, Compact Disc digital video.

MMS : Multimedia Messaging Service.

SMS : Short Message Service  .

TOEFL: Test Of English as a Foreign Language.

ELTC :  English Language Teaching Centre.

IELTS : International English Language Testing Syst 

VOA : Voice of America .




admin بازدید : 835 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)

مکالمه انگلیسی

چگونه صورت میگرد؟ کلی هزینه می کنید، کلاس ‌زبان می رویدی، منابع و کتاب های آموزش انگلیسی می خوانید ، منابع صوتی انگلیسی گوش می هید، ولی هنوز هم نمی توانید انگلیسی صحبت کنید. هنوز هم از یک مکالمه ساده انگلیسی هراسانید. چند سال تلاش می کنید ولی هنوز هم در یک مکاله انگلیسی چند دقیقه ای نفس نفس می زنید. در بین صحبت کردنتان دائم به خود می گویید آیا اینجا رو درست گفتم؟ اگه یه جور دیگه ای می گفم بهتر نبود؟ و … ولی واقعا چرا؟

آیا تا به حال به این نکته فکر  کرده اید شاید راه و روش درست نیست؟ اگر اصول آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی که من از آن پیروی می کنم اشتباه باشد چه؟

اگر شما هم گفته های پاراگراف بالا را قبول دارید، پس بهتر است در ادامه مطلب به نکاتی که ذکر می شود توجه نمایید.

 هفت قانون طلایی یادگیری آسان مکالمه زبان انگلیسی طبق متد Effortless English (انگلیسی بدون زحمت)

تصور کنید بدون فکر کردن انگلیسی صحبت می کنید کلمات به آسانی و به سرعت به واسطه زبان شما ادا میشوند و همچنین در آن واحد مفهوم صحبت های دیگران را درک می کنید برای اینکار شما باید شیوه یادگیری مکالمه زبان انگلیسی خود را تغییر بدهید.اولین قدم کنارگذاشتن یادگیری لغات زبان انگلیسی است تعجب کردید ؟؟ بله درست است.

admin بازدید : 768 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (0)

نام وزارتخانه ها به زبان انگلیسی



معادل انگلیسی

وزارت بهداشت درمان و آموزش پزشکی

Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Training

وزارت آموزش و پرورش

Ministry of Education

وزارت ارشاد اسلامی

Ministry of Islamic Guidance

وزارت اقتصاد و دارایی

Ministry of Economy and Finance

وزارت اطلاعات

Ministry of Information

وزارت تعاون

Ministry of Cooperation

وزارت دادگستری

Ministry of Justice

وزارت راه و ترابری

Ministry of Roads and Transportation

وزارت کار و امور اجتماعی

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

وزارت کشور

Ministry of the Interior

وزارت نفت

Ministry of Oil

وزارت بازرگانی

Ministry of Commerce

وزارت صنایع

Ministry of Industry


ترجمه های گوناگون "بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم" به انگلیسی

براي مشاهده ي متن كامل تر به ادامه ي مطلب برويد

admin بازدید : 5524 پنجشنبه 08 فروردین 1392 نظرات (1)

گفتگو با خدا متن انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی

در این متن یک گفتگو با خدا آورده است. این متن انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی می باشد. متن گفتگو با خداوند از سری متن های انگلیسی رایگان سایت آموزش زبان بوده که امیدواریم مورد توجه قرار گیرد.


گفتگو با خدا

I dreamed I had an interview with god.

خواب دیدم .در خواب با خدا گفتگویی داشتم .

God asked

خدا گفت :


So you would like to interview me

پس می خواهی با من گفتگو کنی؟

I said ,If you have the time

گفتم اگر وقت داشته باشید.

God smiled

خدا لبخند زد.

My time is eternity

وقت من ابدی است.

What questions do you have in mind for me

چه سوالاتی در ذهن داری که می خواهی از من بپرسی؟

What surprises you most about human kind

چه چیز بیش از همه شما را در مورد انسان متعجب می کند؟

God answered

خدا پاسخ داد:

That they get bored with child hood

این که آنها از بودن در دوران کودکی ملول می شوند،

They rush to grow up and then ,

عجله دارند زودتر بزرگ شوند و بعد،

long to be children again

حسرت دوران کودکی را می خورند.

That they lose their health to make money

اینکه سلامتشان را صرف به دست آوردن پول می کنند ،

and then

و بعد

lose their money to restore their health

پولشان را خرج حفظ سلامتی می کنند.

That by thinking anxiously about the future

اینکه با نگرانی نسبت به آینده

They forget the present ,

، زمان حال را فراموش می کنند.

such that they live in nether the present

آنچنان که دیگر نه در حال زندگی می کنند ،

And not the future

نه در آینده

That they live as if they will never die

این که چنان زندگی می کنند که گویی ، نخواهند مرد.

and die as if they had never lived

وآنچنان می میرند که گویی هرگز نبوده اند.

God's hand took mine and

خداوند دستهای مرا در دست گرفت

we were silent for a while

و مدتی هر دو ساکت ماندیم.

And then I asked

بعد پرسیدم

As the creator of people

به عنوان خالق انسانها

What are some of life lessons you want them to learn

می خواهید آنها چه درسهایی از زندگی را یاد بگیرند ؟

God replied , with a smile

خداوند با لبخند پاسخ داد :

To learn they can not make any one love them

یاد بگیرند که نمی توان دیگران را مجبور به دوست داشتن خود

but they can do is let themselves be loved

اما می توان محبوب دیگران شد.

T o learn that it is not good to compare themselves
to others

یاد بگیرند که خوب نیست خود را با دیگران مقایسه کنند

To learn that a rich person is not one who has the

یاد بگیرند که ثروتمند کسی نیست که دارایی بیشتری دارد.

but is one who needs the least

بلکه کسی است که نیاز کمتری دارد.

To learn that it takes only a few seconds to open
profound wounds in persons we love

یاد بگیرند که ظرف چند ثانیه می توانیم زخمی عمیق، در دل
کسانی که دوستشان داریم ایجاد کنیم،

, and it takes many years to heal them

ولی سالها وقت لازم خواهد بود تا آن زخم التیام یابد.

To learn to forgive by practicing for giveness

با بخشیدن بخشش یاد بگیرند.

T o learn that there are persons who love them

یاد بگیرند کسانی هستند که آنها را عمیقا دوست دارند.

But simly do not know how to express or show
their feelings

اما بلد نیستند احساسشان را ابراز کنند یا نشان دهند.

T o learn that two people can look at the same

یاد بگیرند که می شود دو نفر به یک موضوع واحد نگاه کنند،

and see it differently

اما آن را متفاوت ببینند.

To learn that it is not always enough that they be
forgiven by others

یاد بگیرند که همیشه کافی نیست دیگران آنها را ببخشند.

The must forgive themselves

بلکه خودشان هم باید خود را ببخشند.

And to learn that I am here

و یاد بگیرند که من اینجا هستم




سایت ابزارها قالب

آموزگار رایگان

تبلیغات شما در اینجا

تعداد صفحات : 45

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